Yurong Xiao
Born and raised in Shanghai, China, I have developed my fine art skills through systematic learning and a deep appreciation for global art. During my undergraduate studies in Illustration at the SVA, my passion for painting and mixed-media painting flourished, with museum and gallery visits inspiring me to explore interdisciplinary media. Crafts and mixed-media painting allow me to express emotions more powerfully and fuel my creativity. I aim to explore art to expand my self-expression, infuse my work with intellectual depth, and convey the energy I draw from life.
Diversified energies can emerge between lives beings, extending to relationships between individuals, groups, and even space, which can hold these connections over time. To better understand such energies, I enjoy reading psychology, metaphysics, literarure and philosophy, which has deepened my spiritual growth and heightened my awareness of the energy connecting all things, revealing how it shapes and influences every aspect of our lives.